Socialize on BluRay Player

The 2011 Blu-Ray Players included a feature that was invented, implemented and operated by the San Diego team: it was possible to watch a video and create a simple message for Facebook or Twitter with the remote control. The message was basically a link to the video that was watched, and a selectable pre-defined text, like “is watching” or “enjoyed”. Below is a picture of the resulting Facebook page. This might have been the first time of a direct integration of social media in a BDP user interface.

Facebook posting as a result of using the Socalize feature

Facebook posting as a result of using the Socalize feature

Several business opportunities are related to this feature. First, through Facebook Insights, a rich amount of data related to the users of the feature was available. Secondly, the posting on Facebook or Twitter shows the fact that this post was done through a Sony BDP and there was an easy way to “like” that fact. And finally, the link to the video can be monetized as referral, if that a click on the link results in a purchase of related content.